Experience mirror trading with a difference: invest in top performing strategies selected by CMC GLOBAL MARKETS. An easy to use, cost-effective and time saving solution.
Sign Up GUEST ACCESSDevelop a diversified strategic investment portfolio with CMC GLOBAL MARKETS's multi-asset mirror trading solution.
There is only a 25% high-water mark performance fee. You don�t pay any setup or management charges.
According to your risk tolerance and preferences, you may expect a 20-40% annual yield from a chosen strategy.
Sign up for a CMC GLOBAL MARKETS Invest profile.
Open an Invest account with CMC GLOBAL MARKETS.
Connect your CMC GLOBAL MARKETS Invest profile to your Invest account.
Deposit and start following your preferred strategies.
The data shown in the table above is updated daily. Past performance is not indicative for future results. Performance statistics of the strategies may be provided upon request.
There is no investor who hasn�t experienced how difficult or complicated investing can be, and who hasn�t wished they had made the right choices at the right moment. We save you time and money by offering you pre-selected strategies that have been tried and tested by our team.
4.1 If you do, you will be referred to the �My CMC GLOBAL MARKETS� page to log in and complete only a suitability test assessing whether CMC GLOBAL MARKETS Invest is suitable for you based on your knowledge of the offered investment products.
4.2 If you do not have a �My CMC GLOBAL MARKETS� profile yet (not having at least one registered live trading account), you will need to complete the full account opening form (AOF). Your Invest account will be registered once you complete the relevant steps.
CMC GLOBAL MARKETS Invest terminal connects all investors who have selected to follow the same strategy with their Invest accounts. Once this strategy generates a trading signal, it is replicated in the accounts of all investors following the strategy. As a result, all single orders are combined into two final orders sent to the liquidity pool for execution:
The bulk order execution model ensures that all investors following a given strategy will have the same trading conditions and performance. If the bulk order execution model is not applied, the first orders sent by followers will benefit from a better price, but this also will increase the gap in the execution of each consecutive order affecting its performance. No investor wants to get a worse price compared to other investors following the same strategy.
The high-water mark (HWM) over equity presents the highest peak of the value an investment has achieved so far. The high-water mark model ensures that an investor would not pay any fees for a mediocre performance, but only if he/she is making money.
In other words, a high-water mark ensures that if the net asset value of the investor�s equity allocated to a specific strategy falls in the end of one investment period (e.g. a month) below the all-time high value reached by the strategy in the end of a previous period, the performance fee will not be charged. It will be charged again only when the respectively allocated investor�s equity (funds) reaches a new all-time high value in the end of a new investment period.
Point A
Let�s assume in the beginning of the month the starting equity is 1000 units. In the end of the first month (point A), equity is rising up to 1200 or we have 200 units profit. That point is marked as a high-water mark because it has reached the highest level of the equity and that is why for those 200 units profit, a performance fee should be paid.
Point B
This is the end of the second month and we have again equity rising from point A to point B. Based on the HWM principle, a performance fee should be paid based on the equity rising from point A to B, or the rising of equity between 1200 and 1400. As in the previous example, the performance fee should be paid over the 200 units.
Point C
In the end of the third month, equity has decreased, so no performance fee should be charged at all.
Point D
Despite that the all-time high was reached during the mid of the month, in the end of a four- month period, the equity is again down and still below the HWM at point B and equity of 1400 it reached a few months earlier. As before, a performance fee should not be charged.
The high-water mark fee is calculated and charged for a followed strategy irrespective of the total account balance.
You follow 2 strategies. Strategy A gains +200 EUR reaching a new high profit mark at the end of the month. On the other hand, Strategy B has a -200 EUR drop in performance. The HWM fee will still be charged but calculated only on the amount won by the first strategy during that month (200 EUR), no matter that your total account balance at the end of the month has not changed.